The company and food were great. Susan and Buzz joined us for the first time bringing a memorable sweet potato, carrot and ginger dish. Bridget, Clark, their two children Charlie and Annie and Clark's mum Judy joined us as well. They brought a great apple crisp and pumpkin pie and plenty of whipped cream and ice cream. There was a Chicago connection between Buzz and them which was great. My daughter Jane, her husband Matt and my granddaughters, Charlotte and Sophie were also here. Jane brought a fabulous sausage outsidethebird stuffing which was yummy and provided kitchen backup through the day.
Turkey unbrined by choice and roasted per Martha Stewart's instructions turned out better than normal. Didn't use the convection oven. Just roasted the damn thing and ignored all the to brine or not to brine, convection or regular oven, stuffing in or out (both...who can have enough stuffing...ever?), how many cranberry relishes (one, Mama Stamberg's full stop) ad nauseum advice that fills the airwaves the week leading up to the day. Meant to take pictures of the food. Didn't. Barely got the following snaps due to who knows what. Because I'm the official family photographer, one would think I was somewhere else on the day!
Babu's glasses askew, looking at one of his new books.
And that was our day. Wonderfully simple.
sounds Simply Wonderful!
What a great family you have and what a beautiful place to live. Happy New Year to you all.
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