Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Today I got a note from NARAL, an outfit I've supported and respected for the last 25 years, never more so than in the early 90s when Randall Terry and Matthew Trewhella and their merry bands of misery-makers targeted Milwaukee's neediest women and Milwaukee's few clinics that [then] offered family planning, contraception and abortions. These nasty, mean-spirited, anti-choice fanatics have been remarkably successful and just because you have choice today, don't count on it being around for your daughters or grand-daughters.

I'm particularly appealing to my California friends because California isn't all coastal. The minute you get into the Sierra Foothills, the Central Valley and Orange County, you're in anti-choice strongholds. Please support NARAL and pro-choice folks who live in areas where they're in the minority. Please read the following and do what you think is right.

And as my darling grand-daughter says, thankth.

"Access to condoms, emergency contraception, the pill, and other safe and effective forms of birth control is simply a matter of basic healthcare for women across this state.

But common sense is under fire. On March 7, NARAL Pro-Choice California will hand-deliver thousands of petitions signed by pro-choice Californians like you to lawmakers demanding:

Expanded family-planning services;
Guaranteed access to doctor prescribed birth control;
Better access to information on reproductive health; and
A renewed commonsense commitment to make sure every women receives the tools she needs to prevent unintended pregnancy.
In preparation for this Day of Action, we have been organizing house parties and petition drives in every county in the state. Your urgent support for this campaign will cover the costs of phone-banking, online outreach, materials preparation and distribution, and grassroots organizing work necessary to make our efforts a resounding success!

We hope yours will be among the thousands of Californian voices heard on March 7, and we urge you to make a generous online donation right now to make this campaign one that sends a powerful message to California lawmakers.


Amy Everitt
State Director"


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Blogger junebee said...

I read about your encounter with the pro-life whackos in your previous post. They're scary. I read on Fox News last week that an anti-abortion law was passed in South Dakota but I haven't seen any protest about it in the mainstream media. So that law snuck by unnoticed? That's scary too.

11:23 AM  

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