Thursday, April 28, 2005

I Like Bumper Stickers

Posted by Hello

This picture looks a little fuzzy but what it's all about is the next flippin' election. I get looks from my fellow drivers that can best be described as puzzled. I like watching their faces reflected in my rearview mirror. As we're stuck in traffic or at stoplights, I watch them. Some stay puzzled, some figure it out. Some look disgusted and shoot me a "you poor loser" kind of look. But this next election can't come a moment too soon for me and billions of other folk. Those other folk may not have a vote in the U.S. but the impact of a Republican president for EIGHT WHOLE YEARS is nothing short of devastating to so very many who share this planet. Forget all the Americans who are being left child left behind...HAH! Think for a few minutes about all the other people in this beautiful world who are being impacted by the current baboons in power and who will be affected for years to come, just as all of our children will be, by the following: THE ENVIRONMENT, FAMILY PLANNING, CLEAN AIR, CLEAN WATER, ENDANGERED SPECIES. I won't go into health care, education, gun control, Iraq or any of the other very important issues that cause the world to look at this nation with puzzlement at best, and hatred at worst.

So that's why I have one bumper sticker that reads 11.04.08. That is the date of the next presidential election. The other bumper sticker reads January 20, 2009. That is the date of the next Inauguration. Check out Cafe if you're interested in finding some similar decorations for your car.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/4/08 seems like forever from now. I don't even wanna think about it.

Thank you for your comment! We're hoping for cute babies with large chins, and we think we have a pretty good shot at getting some. ;o)

8:47 AM  
Blogger Lin said...

Oh Colin, That DID make me laugh. I well remember that phone call, but as I remember it was around 9 AM, you were sound asleep and Dad was off playing soccer somewhere. I woke you up...what a wake-up call. A screw loose mama on the phone. Sheesh. I need to get a grip on the rodent thing. Love you, Mum

2:05 PM  
Blogger Lucy P said...

hi nana lil, thanks for your comments. please send me an email so I can contact you know about prints.

roll on 11.04.08!

12:56 AM  

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